BLONDIE BLOGS: Inspire Yourself

July 01, 2020 Barbara Niven Blog 0 comments

Boy have we all been through a lot during this pandemic. We have lost so much already and it doesn’t look like it’s letting up any time soon, at least here in the USA. It’s easy to get depressed and down and angry. I know, I’ve been right there with you. But what has really helped me is to remember that this will not go on forever. We will eventually get a vaccine or a cure, and our lives will return to some sort of normal again…. whatever that normal is going to look like.

In the meantime… use this down time to inspire yourself to start becoming a better you. Find ways to get your mind, body and spirit ready for when you re-emerge. Because it WILL be over eventually. Use this time to hone your skills, develop your mind, create good habits, reset your goals, and get strong and healthy. Think of yourself right now as a butterfly stuck in a weird, cocoon-like time warp. If you start working on yourself now, you will be ready to come out flying and happy and ready to go on the other side!

PS – What have you been doing to inspire and better yourself?

Love ya,
Barbara xo

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