4th of July (2020)

July 04, 2020 Barbara Niven Blog 0 comments

Do you consider yourself a Hero? As we celebrate Independence Day in this country that is the question of the day, because America needs real heroes right now.

We are at a tipping point. If you truly believe that “all men (and women) are created equal” then now is the time to speak up for that concept for every citizen no matter what their race, color, zip code, income level, gender or sexual orientation. It is time to decide if you are going to stand up and defend equality (which our country was supposed to be founded on), or if you are going to stand back and watch, being careful to stay safe and not get involved.

The whole concept of Patriotism used to be so uncomplicated. I remember every Fourth of July while I was growing up as an exciting day of celebration. People we loved, food that we shared, sparklers we swung around wildly when it started to turn dark, and a without-question pride in our country as the “shining nation on the hill”. We thought we were rock solid as the “Democracy in Action” example to the rest of the world. Turns out we were more than a little arrogant and complacent.

This Fourth of July feels very different. Our foundation has shifted. Even the concept of our country is changing. We have been torn apart by tumult and fear and hate and division. And believe me, the entire world has been watching. We are not that shining example any more. In fact, we have been banned from even traveling to other countries because we are the living embodiment of a plague that is running rampant. Every other country in the world has handled this same pandemic better than we have. That fact is unthinkable and humiliating, let alone a death sentence for so many Americans. Never would I have believed this could happen to us, the United States of America.

Today, July 4th, 2020 we are hurting in so many ways. Yes, the pandemic has caused a lot of it. We have lost months of contact with loved ones as we have stayed home and tried to do the right thing, hoping it would make a difference. But now cases in so many states are spiking daily. Here in LA they say that 1 in 140 people are already infected with Covid. As of next week they predict that will increase to 1 in 100 or even 1 in 70.

We have lost employment and live with nightmares and panic attacks of how we are going to support our families. I for one have been isolating and wearing masks and taking precautions since March. Watching people say “I’m over it so I’m not going to wear a mask”, or “It’s a hoax”, or watching politicians say “It’s just going to go away, so get out there and make our economy great” by putting ourselves in unsafe situations just makes me furious. They are ruining it for all of us who DID do the right thing. And that is just ONE of the stressors facing our nation on this Independence Day.

There have also been some unexpected positives from this isolation. It has forced us to be still and take stock of who we really are and what we want in life. We have had time to reexamine our core values, to decide what is important to each of us. For most, that means family, friends, love, home, kindness, opportunity, freedom, employment, justice, and equality.

Every citizen of the U.S.A. – every human being on the planet – wants and deserves those same things for themselves and their families. And most of us assumed that here in America everyone has that same opportunity… if they just work hard and do the right thing.

But now many of our blithe little bubbles have burst. The pandemic has given us time to look beyond ourselves and see reality, to discover that not everyone actually HAS those same rights here. Our eyes have been opened by news reports and videos showcasing racial issues and social injustices that our Black and other POC friends and neighbors have been dealing with since America was created. And now that we know, we cannot unsee it.

We know we have to create change. But how and where to start when everything is political now? What used to be issues of right and wrong have now become a political attack… even just wearing a mask to help protect someone else. Whatever happened to Americans standing together to defend each other, defend this country and protect our troops?

Oh yes. This Fourth of July IS different. It is easy to be angry. It is easy to be depressed. It is easy to feel betrayed, because our “rose-colored glasses” vision has been exposed as fake. But that vision is still there… and that wake up call is very good if we allow it to be. We have the chance to make that vision a true reality going forward, built on something far more solid than mere words or an empty concept.

I have decided that I want to tell my grandchildren that I did not stand back and watch. I want to make myself proud and be an example of how to try to make a difference. I admit that I do not know how to do this, but I have faith that when good people come together to do the right thing, miracles can happen.

I feel awakened. I feel that the Hero in me has gathered force and morphed into a strength I did not know I had. My voice has risen… and not simply to a faint shout against what I see is happening. It has grown into a full blown, positive, targeted roar. I am exhilarated and filled with hope as I join my voice with others, and see progress beginning. I know my truth and I am proud of it. My own sense of right and wrong, ethics and morality is the compass that I will follow.

In MY America I declare that:

All people are equal.
Love will win.
Black Lives Matter.
Immigrants & Refugees are welcome.
Disabilities are respected.
Women are in charge of their bodies.
People & Planet are valued over profit.
Diversity is celebrated.

This Independence Day, this is the vision that I celebrate, and what I demand of myself and those around me. We can do this. Together we can create a just and (finally) equal America, one that our founding fathers would be proud of.

Please join me. Choose to become a Hero, even if you don’t know how to do it yet. Become a voice for those who have no voice, for your brothers and sisters who need your help. And until we get this pandemic under control with a vaccine or a cure, please choose to protect yourself and each other. Stay home if possible. If you do go out, please social distance and wear a mask. I promise to protect you and yours, and hope you’ll protect me and mine too.

God bless you and God bless America. 

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