BLONDIE BLOGS: Positives & Negatives of lockdown

July 14, 2020 Barbara Niven Blog 0 comments

What are you doing to handle the stress of Covid and everything else in your life right now? How are you counteracting the mental and physical “lows” of lockdown?

I have fallen back in love with riding my bike. I have named her Eleanore, and despite the name, she is a Bad Ass. I feel like a Bad Ass too when I ride her. I have been going on 10-12 mile adventures with her almost every day for the past two months, pushing myself to go faster and break my own records.

I’ve decided when this is over, I am going to come out the other side better than I was before. It’s working. I feel strong and healthy, both mentally and physically. So when the lows come (and they do for all of us) I have a cushion of good will towards myself – and a ready remedy. I turn off the news, get off the couch, hop on my bike, turn up the music and ride my heart out. Boom. Stress level goes down.

The truth is that we will all be changed by this experience, and so much of life feels out of control right now. But we CAN control our reaction to it. We CAN reclaim and recalibrate our attitude and the actions we choose to take. Our children need these coping tools too. We must teach them by example.

Today, instead of just biding time and spiraling downhill, make the decision to do something positive for your future “After Covid” self. Then do it again tomorrow. Make it a habit. Find activities that make your heart pump and spirit soar, and put a smile on your face. Do it with your kids. Get in touch with your Warrior Spirit. Start making your future self proud!

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